
Milliken Chemical offers a variety of products that can be used in the packaging market.

For help finding the product you need, feel free to contact us. One of our associates will be happy to respond.


ClearShield™ UV Absorber for PET

Applications: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Food & Beverage

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ClearShield™ UV Absorber for PET

Applications: Cosmetics, Personal Care, Food & Beverage

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DeltaMax™ 5000a Performance Modifier for Polypropylene

Applications: Food Packaging

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DeltaMax™ 5000a Performance Modifier for Polypropylene

Applications: Food Packaging

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Hyperform® HPN® 500ei

Applications: Trays, Food Packaging

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Hyperform® HPN® 500ei

Applications: Trays, Food Packaging

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Hyperform® HPN® 900ei

Applications: Food Packaging

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Hyperform® HPN® 900ei

Applications: Food Packaging

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Hyperform® HPN® 909ei

Applications: Trays, Food Packaging

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Hyperform® HPN® 909ei

Applications: Trays, Food Packaging

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Hyperform® HPN® Performance Additives for PE

Applications: Bottles, Film, Lids, Food Packaging, Food & Beverage, Returnable Packaging, Caps & Closures

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Hyperform® HPN® Performance Additives for PE

Applications: Bottles, Film, Lids, Food Packaging, Food & Beverage, Returnable Packaging, Caps & Closures

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Millad® NX® 8000 ECO Sustainable Polypropylene Clarifier

Applications: Packaging

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Millad® NX® 8000 ECO Sustainable Polypropylene Clarifier

Applications: Packaging

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Millad® NX® 8000 Clarifying Agent for Polypropylene

Applications: Packaging

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Millad® NX® 8000 Clarifying Agent for Polypropylene

Applications: Packaging

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ClearTint™ Colorants for Polypropylene

Applications: Packaging

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ClearTint™ Colorants for Polypropylene

Applications: Packaging

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KeyPlast® Colorants for PET

Applications: Food Packaging, Bottles

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KeyPlast® Colorants for PET

Applications: Food Packaging, Bottles

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KeyPlast® Colorants for PLA

Applications: Biodegradable Packaging

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KeyPlast® Colorants for PLA

Applications: Biodegradable Packaging

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KeyPlast® Colorants for Polystyrene

Applications: Food Packaging

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KeyPlast® Colorants for Polystyrene

Applications: Food Packaging

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Reactint® Colorants for Polyurethane

Applications: Packaging

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Reactint® Colorants for Polyurethane

Applications: Packaging

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Reversacol® Photochromic Dyes

Applications: Sunscreen Bottles

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Reversacol® Photochromic Dyes

Applications: Sunscreen Bottles

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Concentrates & Masterbatches

ClearTint™ CUV Concentrates for UV Protection for Polypropylene

Applications: Packaging

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ClearTint™ CUV Concentrates for UV Protection for Polypropylene

Applications: Packaging

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ClearTint™ Colorants for Polypropylene

Applications: Packaging

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ClearTint™ Colorants for Polypropylene

Applications: Packaging

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DeltaFlow™ Viscosity Modifiers

Applications: Housewares

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DeltaFlow™ Viscosity Modifiers

Applications: Housewares

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NX® UltraClear™ MaxImpact®

Applications: Sports Bottles, HIC Bottles, Food Storage

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NX® UltraClear™ MaxImpact®

Applications: Sports Bottles, HIC Bottles, Food Storage

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NX® UltraClear™ Concentrates for Clear Polypropylene

Applications: Bottles, Packaging

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NX® UltraClear™ Concentrates for Clear Polypropylene

Applications: Bottles, Packaging

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UltraFast™ Solutions for faster, trouble-free production

Applications: Pouch Fitments, Caps & Closures

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UltraFast™ Solutions for faster, trouble-free production

Applications: Pouch Fitments, Caps & Closures

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UltraFit™ Solutions for color independent shrinkage

Applications: Caps & Closures

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UltraFit™ Solutions for color independent shrinkage

Applications: Caps & Closures

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UltraFit™ Solutions for color independent shrinkage

Applications: Caps & Closures

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UltraFit™ Solutions for color independent shrinkage

Applications: Caps & Closures

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UltraGuard™ Solutions for improved barrier properties

Applications: Film Packaging, Pouches, Tube Shoulders, Pharmaceutical Bottles, Flexible Food Packaging

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UltraGuard™ Solutions for improved barrier properties

Applications: Film Packaging, Pouches, Tube Shoulders, Pharmaceutical Bottles, Flexible Food Packaging

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