"Milliken is special to me in so many ways"

"Milliken is special to me in so many ways"

May 21, 2021 by Angela Griffin

Angela Griffin has worked for Milliken for 14 years, based in the United States. She has been in the Chemical Customer Service Department for 11 years and generally supports clients in North America, but also works closely with other regions.

Tell us about your role at Milliken and what you have worked on recently?
"I am a Customer Service Specialist and I’m very much a people person, working closely with my customers and building great relationships with them. Some of the projects I have worked on recently include helping to create a procedure for Chemway, one of our outside warehouses."

What do you like most about your job, what excites you?
"The favorite part of my job is working with such a great team, and our customers. I love building personal relationships with them so that they know I am here and will do all I can to help fulfill any and every need they may have. I hope through this they realize they are more than just “a sale” to us, that they are an important part of our daily work lives. I love that I get to have different experiences with people from around the world as they like to share things going on where they are from as well as asking about how things are going here."

What is your favorite Milliken Chemical memory?
"I had only been working for Milliken for about 6 months when I sent an email to my boss, called Roger Hulsey, or I thought I sent it to him. In fact, I sent it to Roger Milliken, who at the time was CEO of Milliken & Company, which is his family’s company. I received a phone call from his secretary five minutes later making sure that my issue had been resolved. It is something to laugh about now, but at the time I was scared to death. I knew right then this was going to be a great company to work for when the owner’s secretary responded to an email in such a short amount of time. I’m not sure it’s my favorite memory but it is one I will never forget!"

What is so special about Milliken Chemical?
"Milliken is special to me in so many ways. I have made some lifelong friends and the team that I work with is amazing. Whether it be work related or personal, they are always there if I need anything and that means the world to me. The company has provided for my family for all these years and always given me the opportunities I have wanted to make."

What’s one piece of advice you have for someone looking to join Milliken?
"Milliken has always stuck true to its word for me and this means more to a person than anything else when it comes to your job. Milliken treats you as an individual. If you join Milliken, you will not be just another employee."

Written by

Angela Griffin

Customer Service Specialist