Associate Spotlight: Kim Krisle, Director, Health and Safety – Chemical Division and her “100 Dog Days of Safety”

Associate Spotlight: Kim Krisle, Director, Health and Safety – Chemical Division and her “100 Dog Days of Safety”

September 17, 2019 by Milliken Chemical

Milliken has a strong record as one of the safest companies in North America, having spent decades perfecting its proven and transferable best practices that make-up the “Milliken Safety Way”. It’s the fundamental building block to creating a high performing, sustainable manufacturing operating system and has a profound impact on motivation and morale.

Kim Krisle recently joined Milliken with a concentrated focus on improving the company’s already great safety performance and sees the sky as the limit in implementing new and exciting ideas.

How long have you been with Milliken? Where do you work and in what role?
"Milliken recruited me away from a company in which I worked for 31 years, so you could say I have joined at the twilight of my career. I started this past February 4th, memorably for me on my dad’s birthday, as the Director, Health & Safety – Chemical Division. I report to John Kellam the VP, Manufacturing – Chemical Division."

Tell us a bit about your role at Milliken. What project are you working on?
"Though safety is everyone’s job, and Milliken already has very high standards, the Chemical Division wanted a more concentrated focus on improving safety performance. I have spent a lot of time at the Keystone, Dewey, Allen and SiVance plants because that is where the “rubber meets the road”. For the Chemical Division, I am focused on our Industrial Hygiene Program, Process Safety and I support Regulatory, regarding GHS labelling. I am also known as 'The Dog Lady' for the creation of the '100 Dog Days of Safety'."

What do you like most about your position? What excites you about it?
"Because it is a newly created position, I can make it my own. In my previous job I had to focus on Environmental and Quality so it’s fantastic to have one singular focus: safety, safety, and more safety. I have the support I need from upper management to get things done. The sky is the limit! The fact that Milliken isn’t satisfied with past safety performance and wants to continuously improve and set the standard for all others to follow speaks volumes. "

What’s is your favorite Milliken Chemical memory?
"In April, I participated with upper management in a safety walk-through of the entire RMC facility. I don’t believe it had ever been done like that before and there were lots of positive findings. The second involves a presentation at a Chemical Division Town Hall meeting to highlight safety. After computer and critical failure messages on the technology I adlibbed in front of 200 people which was a wonderful challenge."

What is so special about Milliken Chemical?
"It has a tremendous family feel to it and it is real. Milliken cares about associates and it shows. Milliken cares about safety and it shows. It isn’t lip service. The company walks the talk. I enjoy working for a company that has won the 'Most Ethical Company' award for 13 consecutive years and was proud to see Milliken ranked 65th in Forbes for the top 500 companies."

What’s one piece of advice you have for someone looking for a job or internship at Milliken?
"There is tremendous opportunity and growth potential here at Milliken. You are only limited by your own desires. Get out, get involved and show them what you’ve got."

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Milliken Chemical